Payroll Services and Its Advantages

Payroll Services and Its Advantages

Payroll is that the total of all compensation a business must pay to its employees for a group period of your time or on a given date. It is usually managed by the accounting or human resources department of a business; small-business payrolls could also be handled directly by the owner or an associate. Duties …

Personal Finance Tips That Will Help You Manage Your Money Better

Personal Finance Tips

Cracking the code to non-public finance might not seem easy initially . But if you’ve got the proper tips guiding you, you’ll find that managing your money becomes such a lot more effortless. Mastering personal finance can assist you answer all those questions you’ll have had over the years, like how you’ll set about saving …

Differences between IRFS VS GAAP

Differences between IRFS VS GAAP

The standards that control financial reporting and accounting differ from country to country. In the United States, financial reporting executions are set away by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and arranged within the framework of the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The GAAP and IFRS are technically classified as generally accepted accounting principles in the financial …

ISO Certification, Importance & Requirements

ISO Certification, Importance & Requirements

Introduction ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. It is an Independent, non-government international organization with a membership of 165 national standards bodies which develop standards to ensure the quality, safety and efficiency of products and services. With ISO Standards, the consumers can have confidence that the products are safe, reliable and of good quality. …

Conversion of Partnership firm into Private Limited – Why, Pre- requisites, Taxation Benefits & Impact and Procedure

Conversion of Partnership firm into Private Limited

Why: Most of the business started as sole proprietorship or partnership firm due to its easy & lesser compliance and low cost. Although, once the business grows enough in terms of revenue, profit, operation area, number of employees, it would become obvious to convert the same into private limited company considering under mentioned: Separate Legal …

From the Managing Partner’s desk

SC Bhagat & Co.

Dear Clients, On 4th May 2021, our team suffered a terrible and an irreparable loss, Mr. Neeraj Bhagat- Managing Partner, SC Bhagat & Co. passed away. He was the pillar of the organization and he shall always remain alive in our hearts.  We understand this message may be difficult to process, however, courage is the most important …

Things to Know About Corporate Fixed Deposits

Things to Know About Corporate Fixed Deposits

Fixed deposits (FDs) have been a popular investment instrument in India for earning fixed and guaranteed returns on savings. However, following the flat-lining interest rates on FDs and recent rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), many investors are now looking for a different investment option. If you are looking for stable interest …